A. M. International School

School Transport

Students are transported to and from the school by hired Transport agencies. The bus facilities are extended only on the request made by the parents to the school authorities and cannot be claimed as a right.

  1. Bus routes are fixed and the students have to use available route convenient to them. Requests for change of route/boarding point will not be entertained.
  2. Although all precautions are taken for the safety of the students, the school cannot be held responsible for any accident/mishappening beyond its control.
  3. In case a student is found to behave in an indisciplined manner, he/she may not be allowed to use the school bus.
  4. Parents are requested to intimate a change of address so that records can be updated.
  5. Parents are requested to educate their wards towards the total discipline & care to be exercised while boarding/alighting and travelling in the bus.
  6. The transport fee is charged according to the distance travelled and is in addition to other fee. Parents who hire private vans/autorickshaws will be doing so entirely on their own risk.
  7. School authorities will not be held responsible for any delay/mishap/lapse caused by private transporters hired by the parents.
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